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One-to-One Breathwork Sessions
For Emotional Balance and Deeper Consciousness

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Hi, I'm Jonny

Breathwork Facilitator

I offer breathwork for anxious, stressed and disconnected people to come back to a sense of calm, balance and deeper consciousness. 
A offer a range of approaches to Breathwork
-an energising, emotional release Holotropic Breathwork
-a gentle and powerfully subtle approach to Conscious Connected Breath
-'Hypnotic Breathwork' combining hypnosis techniques and Breathwork

-daily Breathwork, Meditation, Movement, and Nervous System Balancing practices for lasting transformation

I incorporate
-Hypnosis techniques to induce deeply relaxing and restorative states
-Loving Awareness for emotional resolution

-'Parts work' to bring resolution to your subconscious 'parts'
-Intuition and visualisation exercises to help you balance and navigate your life in alignment

Experience some FREE recorded Breathwork Journeys Online Here
-Breathing together in person has a wealth of further benefits as the live feedback can support you to stay present and process deeper.
With that being said, if you'd like to get a taste of the experience,
click below!



Release Blocked Emotions and Tension


Balance your nervous system and regulate the fight, flight, fawn, freeze response


Let go of fear, stress and anxiety


Resolve patterns of self sabotage


Open To Self Acceptance and Peace


Clear a busy mind, sleep, rest better and live easefully



A peaceful refuge

If you have found yourself looking for a way to relax deeply, reset your nervous system and find clarity in a peaceful mind, then a breathwork session at my home in Leeds or on Zoom is the perfect thing for you.


A breathwork session is like having your own private getaway from the busyness noise of everyday life, and from your own mind! 

Anxiety and stress is a widespread underlying issue in our society, breathwork is a the perfect approach to soothe, relax and restore the body!


deeper healing
A New way of being

Breathing in a natural and calm way can have incredibly healing effects on the emotional and mental level.


Conscious Connected Breathing is a very powerful way of breathing in a continuous flow which is highly restorative and will help to release tension and stress.

As you relax and deepen, residual impressions and conditioning is given space to gently come into the awareness to be integrated, processed and released.  

Breathing in this way is highly balancing for the nervous system, bringing you out of the fight – flight – freeze – fawn response into the parasympathetic nervous system where you can restore, rest and digest more effectively (physically and emotionally).


The more you go into these states of relaxation, the more this reconditions your nervous system, and general state, so that your everyday way of being becomes one of peace, ease and calm. You will find yourself becoming more receptive instead of reactive, as your gain clarity on your inner patterns, and sit from a deeper internal space where you can be more centred as you navigate life.


Naturally you will start to feel happier, open and more alive! 


I will be here to guide you into deeper connection to yourself on the inside with words and instruction and offer some gentle pressure point release touch and massage if it is desired. I will also provide a presence for you to share what arises if you are seeking an ear to share your insights and emotional process. 

'Your New Way of Being'
5 sessions


To discover the lasting benefits of breathwork, and to shift conditioned ways of living in stress and tension which have built up over many years, booking in for a journey of 5 sessions is recommended.

Regularly dropping into a deeper state in a breathwork session is like bringing a new way of being online so that it becomes your new default mode.

You will also give space to go into deeper layers of your consciousness as you experience greater receptivity to the process.

We will also have the chance to go deeper into some work around mindset, subconscious beliefs and emotional balancing, which will deepen the transformative effect of the breathwork. 

'your moment of refuge'
1 session


Book one powerful Breathwork session and experience a refuge from the busyness of everyday life to arrive back refreshed and restored

'Deep Dive Journeying Breathwork'
1 extended 'Holotropic Breathwork' session


Booking in for a longer ‘Holotropic’ Breathwork session is going for a deep dive!
Holotropic Breathing is Conscious Connected Breathing with an 'active breathing' approach where your breath builds to become faster and deeper.
This can have a highly energising effect on every level of your being. It can often be experienced as emotionally releasing, heart opening and can induce expanded states of trance and awareness.
The cinematic and emotive music used will facilitate a deeply connecting experience as you enter a process of ‘journeying’ into your inner world. 

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